Ladner Village Revitalization

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation on this project has been completed. To get involved in current projects to revitalize the village, follow this link.

Furthering the vision for revitalization of Ladner Village, the City of Delta has retained consultant teams to work on two initiatives:

  • Ladner Waterfront Redevelopment Strategy 
  • Ladner Village Official Community Plan Update

These projects were initiated based on the recommendations made by the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee (LVRAC) in their 2020 report to Council. For reference, additional background information on the origin and mandate of LVRAC is provided below.

Ladner Waterfront Redevelopment Strategy

This project explores redevelopment of the Ladner Waterfront as a key element of Village revitalization. An updated concept plan for Chisholm Street and the waterfront has been developed, with particular emphasis on opportunities for public realm improvements at the former Seven Seas site and Spot on the Water Park. This concept plan will be further refined through work currently underway to evaluate flood management requirements for the Village.

Ladner Village Official Community Plan (OCP) Update - COMPLETE

This project considered updates to the OCP in service of revitalization objectives. Areas covered by this project included land use, heights, and density within the Village as well as renewed design form and character guidelines for future development. This portion of the Ladner Village Revitalization project was completed on December 14, 2021 when Council adopted amendments to the OCP. At that time, Council noted further work and refinement for the Village, which will be undertaken at a future date.

How We Got Here

First Phase | Opportunities to Participate

The first phase of the project is now complete. That phase focused on:

  • background research of existing reports, policy documents, and design precedents
  • further work on the recommendations of the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee
  • engagement with key stakeholders, City staff and Council, and the public
  • exploration of design strategies and early-stage concepts for the waterfront

A "design brief" was created to provide an overview of the project (including opportunities, constraints, strategies and inspiration) and to serve as a resource for your continued engagement in the project. Please download a copy for further information.

A public webinar was held on the evening of April the 8th from 7pm to 9pm to provide a project overview and receive input and feedback. Topics that were explored in the webinar include:

  • lessons learned and best practices for successful revitalization initiatives
  • barriers and opportunities to revitalization
  • interests, priorities, and concerns for Village and waterfront revitalization
  • review of project timeline and next steps in the process

Feedback from the webinar guided the creation of revitalization strategies and design concepts, which were then further reviewed and refined as a part of the second phase of the project. See the attached slides from the webinar.

Second Phase | Opportunities to Participate

The second phase of the project is now complete. Building on information received in the first phase, the project team prepared a draft Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy and asked the public, the Ladner Business Association, waterfront land owners, and other key stakeholders to weigh in on the direction and some of the "big ideas" involved in the Strategy. The results from the survey and the draft Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy were presented to Delta City Council on August 9, 2021. You can find a copy of that report here.

Third Phase | Strategy Refinement

The third phase of the project is now complete. Staff incorporated the feedback received through the second phase to refine the Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy and prepared for Council's consideration two bylaws to amend the Ladner Area Plan and Development Permit Area Guidelines in the Official Community Plan. The proposed bylaw changes, which would update the land use, height, density, and design guidelines for Ladner Village, were presented to Council on November 22, 2021 for first and second reading. A Public Hearing was then scheduled for December 14th, after which Council gave the amending bylaws 3rd and 4th readings.

Additional Information on the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee (LVRAC)

This Committee was established by Council in January 2019 to provide advice to Council on the renewal of Ladner Village. The Committee’s mandate focused specifically on:

  • Best utilization of Delta-owned buildings in Ladner Village;
  • Possible streetscape and harbour waterfront design concepts;
  • Branding/communications/marketing for Ladner Village Renewal; and
  • Strategic incentives to attract development and policies to facilitate the renewal.

The Committee worked together for 10 months to cover the topics in their mandate and their recommendations are summarized in the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee Final Report. The Committee recommendations were reviewed and recommended implementation processes have been adopted by Council. The recommended implementation plan is summarized in the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee Recommendations: Implementation Plan.

Consultation on this project has been completed. To get involved in current projects to revitalize the village, follow this link.

Furthering the vision for revitalization of Ladner Village, the City of Delta has retained consultant teams to work on two initiatives:

  • Ladner Waterfront Redevelopment Strategy 
  • Ladner Village Official Community Plan Update

These projects were initiated based on the recommendations made by the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee (LVRAC) in their 2020 report to Council. For reference, additional background information on the origin and mandate of LVRAC is provided below.

Ladner Waterfront Redevelopment Strategy

This project explores redevelopment of the Ladner Waterfront as a key element of Village revitalization. An updated concept plan for Chisholm Street and the waterfront has been developed, with particular emphasis on opportunities for public realm improvements at the former Seven Seas site and Spot on the Water Park. This concept plan will be further refined through work currently underway to evaluate flood management requirements for the Village.

Ladner Village Official Community Plan (OCP) Update - COMPLETE

This project considered updates to the OCP in service of revitalization objectives. Areas covered by this project included land use, heights, and density within the Village as well as renewed design form and character guidelines for future development. This portion of the Ladner Village Revitalization project was completed on December 14, 2021 when Council adopted amendments to the OCP. At that time, Council noted further work and refinement for the Village, which will be undertaken at a future date.

How We Got Here

First Phase | Opportunities to Participate

The first phase of the project is now complete. That phase focused on:

  • background research of existing reports, policy documents, and design precedents
  • further work on the recommendations of the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee
  • engagement with key stakeholders, City staff and Council, and the public
  • exploration of design strategies and early-stage concepts for the waterfront

A "design brief" was created to provide an overview of the project (including opportunities, constraints, strategies and inspiration) and to serve as a resource for your continued engagement in the project. Please download a copy for further information.

A public webinar was held on the evening of April the 8th from 7pm to 9pm to provide a project overview and receive input and feedback. Topics that were explored in the webinar include:

  • lessons learned and best practices for successful revitalization initiatives
  • barriers and opportunities to revitalization
  • interests, priorities, and concerns for Village and waterfront revitalization
  • review of project timeline and next steps in the process

Feedback from the webinar guided the creation of revitalization strategies and design concepts, which were then further reviewed and refined as a part of the second phase of the project. See the attached slides from the webinar.

Second Phase | Opportunities to Participate

The second phase of the project is now complete. Building on information received in the first phase, the project team prepared a draft Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy and asked the public, the Ladner Business Association, waterfront land owners, and other key stakeholders to weigh in on the direction and some of the "big ideas" involved in the Strategy. The results from the survey and the draft Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy were presented to Delta City Council on August 9, 2021. You can find a copy of that report here.

Third Phase | Strategy Refinement

The third phase of the project is now complete. Staff incorporated the feedback received through the second phase to refine the Ladner Village Revitalization Strategy and prepared for Council's consideration two bylaws to amend the Ladner Area Plan and Development Permit Area Guidelines in the Official Community Plan. The proposed bylaw changes, which would update the land use, height, density, and design guidelines for Ladner Village, were presented to Council on November 22, 2021 for first and second reading. A Public Hearing was then scheduled for December 14th, after which Council gave the amending bylaws 3rd and 4th readings.

Additional Information on the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee (LVRAC)

This Committee was established by Council in January 2019 to provide advice to Council on the renewal of Ladner Village. The Committee’s mandate focused specifically on:

  • Best utilization of Delta-owned buildings in Ladner Village;
  • Possible streetscape and harbour waterfront design concepts;
  • Branding/communications/marketing for Ladner Village Renewal; and
  • Strategic incentives to attract development and policies to facilitate the renewal.

The Committee worked together for 10 months to cover the topics in their mandate and their recommendations are summarized in the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee Final Report. The Committee recommendations were reviewed and recommended implementation processes have been adopted by Council. The recommended implementation plan is summarized in the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee Recommendations: Implementation Plan.

Consultation has concluded

If you have a question about the project, please feel free to ask us.

For the ease of responding, please stick to one topic or a single question per submission.  You can submit as many questions as you like.

  • Share I was wondering what the next step toward implementation of this plan is and what updates on success of programs such as summer street parks and sidewalk cafe spaces will be available. Why have there been no updates since May? on Facebook Share I was wondering what the next step toward implementation of this plan is and what updates on success of programs such as summer street parks and sidewalk cafe spaces will be available. Why have there been no updates since May? on Twitter Share I was wondering what the next step toward implementation of this plan is and what updates on success of programs such as summer street parks and sidewalk cafe spaces will be available. Why have there been no updates since May? on Linkedin Email I was wondering what the next step toward implementation of this plan is and what updates on success of programs such as summer street parks and sidewalk cafe spaces will be available. Why have there been no updates since May? link

    I was wondering what the next step toward implementation of this plan is and what updates on success of programs such as summer street parks and sidewalk cafe spaces will be available. Why have there been no updates since May?

    Debby asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. While we do not have any concrete numbers to judge the success of the pop-up parks or the sidewalk cafes, both of which are city-wide programs, both have been well received and are anticipated to continue. With respect to implementation in Ladner Village, the adoption of the Official Community Plan update was completed in December 2021, so any new development application in the Village would work within that policy framework. Work continues on the Waterfront, and Engineering staff have scheduled consultation for November 29 regarding potential dike upgrades in the Village. More information can be found here:

  • Share Why build a 6 story building when you can’t get out of Ladner? (Traffic) Work on the road structure first! on Facebook Share Why build a 6 story building when you can’t get out of Ladner? (Traffic) Work on the road structure first! on Twitter Share Why build a 6 story building when you can’t get out of Ladner? (Traffic) Work on the road structure first! on Linkedin Email Why build a 6 story building when you can’t get out of Ladner? (Traffic) Work on the road structure first! link

    Why build a 6 story building when you can’t get out of Ladner? (Traffic) Work on the road structure first!

    Sheppy asked about 3 years ago

    Thanks for your question.

    The proposed land use plan updates represent a long term vision for Ladner Village, with redevelopment of areas such as this typically taking place over 20-30 years. The City's Engineering department works closely with the Community Planning and Development department to ensure that the necessary infrastructure (including road capacity) is planned for in conjunction with changes in land use.

  • Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Has there been discussion of a designated parking area off the waterfront - even if a paid parking or multilevel. Get people out of the car before they get to the waterfront. on Facebook Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Has there been discussion of a designated parking area off the waterfront - even if a paid parking or multilevel. Get people out of the car before they get to the waterfront. on Twitter Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Has there been discussion of a designated parking area off the waterfront - even if a paid parking or multilevel. Get people out of the car before they get to the waterfront. on Linkedin Email [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Has there been discussion of a designated parking area off the waterfront - even if a paid parking or multilevel. Get people out of the car before they get to the waterfront. link

    [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Has there been discussion of a designated parking area off the waterfront - even if a paid parking or multilevel. Get people out of the car before they get to the waterfront.

    over 3 years ago

    There are currently City-owned parking lots in Ladner, including one across the street from the Elliott Street Wharf at the intersection of Elliott and Chisholm, and one at 48 Avenue and Bridge Street, that provide parking for the Village. The parking lot at Elliott and Chisholm is underutilized, and could potentially better serve as a development site to help revitalize the village. At this time, the City is not contemplating adding additional City-owned parking lots in the Village, but as the area develops, the parking needs of residents and visitors will be monitored to ensure that everyone has access to the Village. As well, in the draft waterfront concept for Chisholm Street, significant effort is going into providing additional on-street parking opportunities.

  • Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there room for a little café worked into the walkway concept of Chisholm Street? on Facebook Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there room for a little café worked into the walkway concept of Chisholm Street? on Twitter Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there room for a little café worked into the walkway concept of Chisholm Street? on Linkedin Email [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there room for a little café worked into the walkway concept of Chisholm Street? link

    [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there room for a little café worked into the walkway concept of Chisholm Street?

    over 3 years ago

    There are certainly opportunities for small commercial establishments. In the current concept, the area just to the south of the Seven Seas building is shown as potentially being an open plaza space that could accommodate food trucks, outdoor events, and the like, so there is the potential for more temporary structures in that area. Further east along Chisholm, the land area is more restricted between the road and the water, but it is possible that a smaller operation could take root there. At this time, the concept planning for Chisholm Street has been mostly limited to the two ends where the City owns lands, but the proposed land use for the properties in between could support that type of business.

  • Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there a walkway across to Ladner Harbour Park still being considered? on Facebook Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there a walkway across to Ladner Harbour Park still being considered? on Twitter Share [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there a walkway across to Ladner Harbour Park still being considered? on Linkedin Email [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there a walkway across to Ladner Harbour Park still being considered? link

    [Question asked by a Ladner Business Association member] Is there a walkway across to Ladner Harbour Park still being considered?

    over 3 years ago

    The potential for a bridge to Ladner Harbour Park isn't being considered as part of the scope of this project given the potential project costs and complexity, including coordination with external agencies like the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. However, the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee identified the potential for a bridge as an item of interest in the longer term, and staff are working with our consulting team to preserve opportunities for a potential future pedestrian/cyclist bridge to Ladner Harbour Park.

  • Share Is the bridge across the harbour still being looked at on Facebook Share Is the bridge across the harbour still being looked at on Twitter Share Is the bridge across the harbour still being looked at on Linkedin Email Is the bridge across the harbour still being looked at link

    Is the bridge across the harbour still being looked at

    Sailor asked over 3 years ago

    Hi there, thanks for your question.

    The potential for a bridge to Ladner Harbour Park isn't being considered as part of the scope of this project given the potential project costs and complexity, including coordination with external agencies like the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. However, the Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee identified the potential for a bridge as an item of interest in the longer term, and staff are working with our consulting team to preserve opportunities for a potential future pedestrian/cyclist bridge to Ladner Harbour Park.