Apartment and Townhouse Proposal at 75A Avenue and 120 Street

Share Apartment and Townhouse Proposal at 75A Avenue and 120 Street on Facebook Share Apartment and Townhouse Proposal at 75A Avenue and 120 Street on Twitter Share Apartment and Townhouse Proposal at 75A Avenue and 120 Street on Linkedin Email Apartment and Townhouse Proposal at 75A Avenue and 120 Street link

This project proposal has concluded.

Location: 7592/7594 119A Street, 7551, 7565 and 7595/7597 120 Street

File Number: LU009088

This application has now been cancelled by the owner. For information on the new proposal at this location, please see  https://letstalk.delta.ca/lu009650

The subject application is a proposal for a 165 multi-unit residential development with a maximum height of six stories. The following are the key aspects of the proposal:

  • The proposal complies with the maximum six-storey height and maximum floor space ratio of 2.2 specified in the Official Community Plan (OCP) for the Medium Density Residential (Scott Road) (MDR(SR)) designation. However, an OCP amendment is requested to increase the maximum number of units per hectare.
  • Construction of 155 units in two six-storey apartment buildings, 10 units in two three-storey townhouse buildings and a two-storey private amenity building.
  • A mix of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom residential units ranging from 46.5 m2 (501 ft2) to 137.2 m2 (1,477 ft2) in size.
  • 31 adaptable units (meaning designed and built so that accessibility features can be added more easily and inexpensively after construction if required).
  • Private indoor and outdoor amenity spaces.
  • Two levels of underground parking with 240 parking spaces total. The parking would be accessed from a rear lane to the north.
  • A new half lane with one-way outbound access to 120 Street (right out only).
  • Removal of 75 trees to be replaced with 88 on-site trees, street trees and cash-in-lieu.

The Scott Road Corridor is designated for densification in the North Delta Area Plan using both a unit per hectare (UPH) and floor space ratio (FSR) approach for most land use designations. The Mayor's Housing Task Force for Scott Road was established in 2020 to provide recommendations on directions and specific initiatives to promote the development of diverse and affordable housing options in the Scott Road corridor area and add certainty regarding future land use. In its final report, the Task Force recommended that the UPH maximums be removed (density calculated solely by FSR). Additional details of the North Delta Area Plan and the Task Force’s recommendations for the Scott Road Corridor are available under "Applicable Bylaws and City Documents". Staff are currently reviewing the recommendations of the Task Force and related implementation processes.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Official Community Plan Amendment to increase maximum allowable unit density from 200 units per hectare (UPH) to 227 UPH to permit an increase from 145 units to 165 units.
  • Rezoning from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to a new multi-unit residential zone (RAU230) to permit apartments and townhouses.
  • Development Permit to address the form and character based on the Scott Road Corridor (SRC) Development Permit Area guidelines.
  • Development Variance Permit to vary Section 13.40.5 in “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by
    • reducing the minimum front setback (75A Avenue) from 5 m to 4.4 m for projecting architectural features for Building #1; and
    • reducing the minimum exterior side setback (120 Street) from 5 m to 4.6 m for projecting architectural features for Buildings #1 and #2.
  • A road closure of a portion of the rear laneway and consolidation with the subject properties to create one development site. Additional road dedication for a portion of the rear lane to the north is also proposed.

Location: 7592/7594 119A Street, 7551, 7565 and 7595/7597 120 Street

File Number: LU009088

This application has now been cancelled by the owner. For information on the new proposal at this location, please see  https://letstalk.delta.ca/lu009650

The subject application is a proposal for a 165 multi-unit residential development with a maximum height of six stories. The following are the key aspects of the proposal:

  • The proposal complies with the maximum six-storey height and maximum floor space ratio of 2.2 specified in the Official Community Plan (OCP) for the Medium Density Residential (Scott Road) (MDR(SR)) designation. However, an OCP amendment is requested to increase the maximum number of units per hectare.
  • Construction of 155 units in two six-storey apartment buildings, 10 units in two three-storey townhouse buildings and a two-storey private amenity building.
  • A mix of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom residential units ranging from 46.5 m2 (501 ft2) to 137.2 m2 (1,477 ft2) in size.
  • 31 adaptable units (meaning designed and built so that accessibility features can be added more easily and inexpensively after construction if required).
  • Private indoor and outdoor amenity spaces.
  • Two levels of underground parking with 240 parking spaces total. The parking would be accessed from a rear lane to the north.
  • A new half lane with one-way outbound access to 120 Street (right out only).
  • Removal of 75 trees to be replaced with 88 on-site trees, street trees and cash-in-lieu.

The Scott Road Corridor is designated for densification in the North Delta Area Plan using both a unit per hectare (UPH) and floor space ratio (FSR) approach for most land use designations. The Mayor's Housing Task Force for Scott Road was established in 2020 to provide recommendations on directions and specific initiatives to promote the development of diverse and affordable housing options in the Scott Road corridor area and add certainty regarding future land use. In its final report, the Task Force recommended that the UPH maximums be removed (density calculated solely by FSR). Additional details of the North Delta Area Plan and the Task Force’s recommendations for the Scott Road Corridor are available under "Applicable Bylaws and City Documents". Staff are currently reviewing the recommendations of the Task Force and related implementation processes.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Official Community Plan Amendment to increase maximum allowable unit density from 200 units per hectare (UPH) to 227 UPH to permit an increase from 145 units to 165 units.
  • Rezoning from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to a new multi-unit residential zone (RAU230) to permit apartments and townhouses.
  • Development Permit to address the form and character based on the Scott Road Corridor (SRC) Development Permit Area guidelines.
  • Development Variance Permit to vary Section 13.40.5 in “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by
    • reducing the minimum front setback (75A Avenue) from 5 m to 4.4 m for projecting architectural features for Building #1; and
    • reducing the minimum exterior side setback (120 Street) from 5 m to 4.6 m for projecting architectural features for Buildings #1 and #2.
  • A road closure of a portion of the rear laneway and consolidation with the subject properties to create one development site. Additional road dedication for a portion of the rear lane to the north is also proposed.

This project proposal has concluded.

For the ease of responding, please stick to one topic or a single question per submission.  You can submit as many questions as you like.

  • Share Will there be any commercial ground level businesses on the Scott road portion of this development? If so, then is customer / employee parking factored into the size of the underground parking lot. on Facebook Share Will there be any commercial ground level businesses on the Scott road portion of this development? If so, then is customer / employee parking factored into the size of the underground parking lot. on Twitter Share Will there be any commercial ground level businesses on the Scott road portion of this development? If so, then is customer / employee parking factored into the size of the underground parking lot. on Linkedin Email Will there be any commercial ground level businesses on the Scott road portion of this development? If so, then is customer / employee parking factored into the size of the underground parking lot. link

    Will there be any commercial ground level businesses on the Scott road portion of this development? If so, then is customer / employee parking factored into the size of the underground parking lot.

    DaveD asked over 3 years ago

    The proposal does not include any commercial units.  All parking required by Delta's Zoning Bylaw for the residential units (including for visitors) is proposed in the underground parkade.

  • Share There seems to be very few units that are more than one bedroom. Very little space for more than 1 person. Is there wiggle room to allow for change? We are struggling to house young families. on Facebook Share There seems to be very few units that are more than one bedroom. Very little space for more than 1 person. Is there wiggle room to allow for change? We are struggling to house young families. on Twitter Share There seems to be very few units that are more than one bedroom. Very little space for more than 1 person. Is there wiggle room to allow for change? We are struggling to house young families. on Linkedin Email There seems to be very few units that are more than one bedroom. Very little space for more than 1 person. Is there wiggle room to allow for change? We are struggling to house young families. link

    There seems to be very few units that are more than one bedroom. Very little space for more than 1 person. Is there wiggle room to allow for change? We are struggling to house young families.

    Debme asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your comment.  All comments received will be provided to the applicant and they have an opportunity to modify the proposal, or otherwise address concerns and questions.  All comments received will also be summarized in a report to Council if/when the application proceeds to that stage.

  • Share Will there be a dedication of no parking on 119a? There significant parking at the area of 119a from Gilmour to 75a at times already with those that are visiting businesses on Scott Rd and 75a already on Facebook Share Will there be a dedication of no parking on 119a? There significant parking at the area of 119a from Gilmour to 75a at times already with those that are visiting businesses on Scott Rd and 75a already on Twitter Share Will there be a dedication of no parking on 119a? There significant parking at the area of 119a from Gilmour to 75a at times already with those that are visiting businesses on Scott Rd and 75a already on Linkedin Email Will there be a dedication of no parking on 119a? There significant parking at the area of 119a from Gilmour to 75a at times already with those that are visiting businesses on Scott Rd and 75a already link

    Will there be a dedication of no parking on 119a? There significant parking at the area of 119a from Gilmour to 75a at times already with those that are visiting businesses on Scott Rd and 75a already

    Debme asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. All parking required by Delta's Zoning Bylaw to serve the proposed development must be provided on-site and is proposed within underground parking. The applicant has not proposed to provide formal street parking along 119A Street (i.e. parking pockets).  If the application proceeds, following construction the east side of 119A Street along the development frontage would have "no parking" signage.

  • Share Where are the entrance and exit points for cars? Is the parking for the townhouses underground as they should not have access to street parking in this already congested area. on Facebook Share Where are the entrance and exit points for cars? Is the parking for the townhouses underground as they should not have access to street parking in this already congested area. on Twitter Share Where are the entrance and exit points for cars? Is the parking for the townhouses underground as they should not have access to street parking in this already congested area. on Linkedin Email Where are the entrance and exit points for cars? Is the parking for the townhouses underground as they should not have access to street parking in this already congested area. link

    Where are the entrance and exit points for cars? Is the parking for the townhouses underground as they should not have access to street parking in this already congested area.

    LErickson asked over 3 years ago

    The proposal includes 100% underground parking including for the townhouse units.  The ramp to access the underground parking is located within the laneway along the north property line.  Geneally, all parking required by Delta's Zoning Bylaw must be provided on-site (street parking cannot be counted toward meeting the minimum parking requirements).  

    See the Circulation Plan which shows pedestrian and vehicular circulation. 120 Street access point is exit only (must turn right or southbound).  

  • Share Will the City of Delta take any action to remove the units per hectare maximums? This is an outdated metric that has not aged well. 120 St is well serviced by rapid (!) transit and within a corridor that the City knows is vital to its long term commitment to meet the housing needs of Delta residents. The idea of imposing a 200 unit per hectare limit on a site like this is very problematic and doesn't help anyone. on Facebook Share Will the City of Delta take any action to remove the units per hectare maximums? This is an outdated metric that has not aged well. 120 St is well serviced by rapid (!) transit and within a corridor that the City knows is vital to its long term commitment to meet the housing needs of Delta residents. The idea of imposing a 200 unit per hectare limit on a site like this is very problematic and doesn't help anyone. on Twitter Share Will the City of Delta take any action to remove the units per hectare maximums? This is an outdated metric that has not aged well. 120 St is well serviced by rapid (!) transit and within a corridor that the City knows is vital to its long term commitment to meet the housing needs of Delta residents. The idea of imposing a 200 unit per hectare limit on a site like this is very problematic and doesn't help anyone. on Linkedin Email Will the City of Delta take any action to remove the units per hectare maximums? This is an outdated metric that has not aged well. 120 St is well serviced by rapid (!) transit and within a corridor that the City knows is vital to its long term commitment to meet the housing needs of Delta residents. The idea of imposing a 200 unit per hectare limit on a site like this is very problematic and doesn't help anyone. link

    Will the City of Delta take any action to remove the units per hectare maximums? This is an outdated metric that has not aged well. 120 St is well serviced by rapid (!) transit and within a corridor that the City knows is vital to its long term commitment to meet the housing needs of Delta residents. The idea of imposing a 200 unit per hectare limit on a site like this is very problematic and doesn't help anyone.

    normvep asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question - the Scott Road Corridor is designated for densification in the North Delta Area Plan using both a unit per hectare (UPH) and floor space ratio (FSR) approach for most land use designations. 

    It has been recommended by the Mayor's Housing Task Force for Scott Road to remove the UPH maximums so that density is calculated solely by FSR.  Delta is currently working on bringing forward amendments to the Official Community Plan for North Delta based on the recommendations of the Task Force.  Council consideration of the bylaw amendments would involve further public consultation and would be subject to a Public Hearing. Further information is available at the links provided.