Delta Fresh Cold Storage Warehouse/Food Processing Facility

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Consultation has concluded

Location: 10555 64 Avenue and unaddressed parcel PID: 000-985-112

File Number: LU009040

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a cold storage warehouse and food processing facility with administrative offices on the two subject properties. The applicant has stated that development is intended to serve the farming communities of Delta, Richmond, Surrey and others in the Lower Mainland. The subject properties are designated and zoned for agricultural use but are not located within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The following are the key aspects of the revised* proposal:

  • The application proposes one building with a total floor area of approximately 27,267 m² (293,500 ft²). Most of the floor space would be at the ground level but some will be at a mezzanine level.
  • The portion of the site covered by the building would be approximately 45 percent of the 5.95 ha (14.7 ac) total area.
  • The building would be used for cold storage and distribution of produce and dairy products and a processing facility which would undertake sublimation of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The sublimation process involves evaporation of liquid from the products. No meat products, fats or oils would be stored or processed. The building would also contain space for administrative offices.
  • 133 parking spaces would be provided for workers and visitors to the site and are located at the front of the site.
  • Landscape and/or environmental buffers area proposed along the west, east and north property lines. Wetland restoration is also proposed along a portion of the east property line.

*The application considered by Council in May 2022 included two buildings and vehicular access at the southwest corner of the site.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning from Agriculture (A1) to a new Agriculture Product Management (A4) zone
  • Development Permit to address Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area requirements
  • Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces from 210 to 133 spaces
  • Consolidation of the two subject properties into a single parcel

Location: 10555 64 Avenue and unaddressed parcel PID: 000-985-112

File Number: LU009040

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a cold storage warehouse and food processing facility with administrative offices on the two subject properties. The applicant has stated that development is intended to serve the farming communities of Delta, Richmond, Surrey and others in the Lower Mainland. The subject properties are designated and zoned for agricultural use but are not located within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The following are the key aspects of the revised* proposal:

  • The application proposes one building with a total floor area of approximately 27,267 m² (293,500 ft²). Most of the floor space would be at the ground level but some will be at a mezzanine level.
  • The portion of the site covered by the building would be approximately 45 percent of the 5.95 ha (14.7 ac) total area.
  • The building would be used for cold storage and distribution of produce and dairy products and a processing facility which would undertake sublimation of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The sublimation process involves evaporation of liquid from the products. No meat products, fats or oils would be stored or processed. The building would also contain space for administrative offices.
  • 133 parking spaces would be provided for workers and visitors to the site and are located at the front of the site.
  • Landscape and/or environmental buffers area proposed along the west, east and north property lines. Wetland restoration is also proposed along a portion of the east property line.

*The application considered by Council in May 2022 included two buildings and vehicular access at the southwest corner of the site.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning from Agriculture (A1) to a new Agriculture Product Management (A4) zone
  • Development Permit to address Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area requirements
  • Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces from 210 to 133 spaces
  • Consolidation of the two subject properties into a single parcel

Consultation has concluded

For the ease of responding, please stick to one topic or a single question per submission.  You can submit as many questions as you like.

  • Share What's the plan for the development of the surrounding area around the food processing unit? on Facebook Share What's the plan for the development of the surrounding area around the food processing unit? on Twitter Share What's the plan for the development of the surrounding area around the food processing unit? on Linkedin Email What's the plan for the development of the surrounding area around the food processing unit? link

    What's the plan for the development of the surrounding area around the food processing unit?

    harpreet_paul asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello! Thanks for visiting the virtual public engagement page for the Delta Fresh project.

    Land surrounding the property is within the Agricultural Land Reserve, with any development or use subject to the regulations of the Agricultural Land Commission Act.  Development within the ALR is not anticipated.

  • Share Great questions and answers, thank you. What is the estimated net cost/benefit to Delta from this change in zoning and change in economic activity on this parcel of land? on Facebook Share Great questions and answers, thank you. What is the estimated net cost/benefit to Delta from this change in zoning and change in economic activity on this parcel of land? on Twitter Share Great questions and answers, thank you. What is the estimated net cost/benefit to Delta from this change in zoning and change in economic activity on this parcel of land? on Linkedin Email Great questions and answers, thank you. What is the estimated net cost/benefit to Delta from this change in zoning and change in economic activity on this parcel of land? link

    Great questions and answers, thank you. What is the estimated net cost/benefit to Delta from this change in zoning and change in economic activity on this parcel of land?

    JEvans asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello!  Thank you for visiting the virtual public engagement page for the proposed Delta Fresh development.  The estimated net cost/benefit of the project has not been quantified and, should a report on this project proceed to Council, an indication of various impacts and benefits would be provided for their consideration and evaluation.  This consideration would include not only technical information but also input from the community.  The input from this virtual public consultation, for instance, would be compiled and presented to Council to assist them in determining whether there would be a net cost or a net benefit with this proposal.  As well, input from community organizations such as the Delta Farmers Institute, the Delta Agricultural Advisory Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Transportation and a number of others will be provided for consideration. 

  • Share My objection is to an American based conglomerate opening a facility in Delta. Delta Fresh serves customers in the U.S and Mexico. on Facebook Share My objection is to an American based conglomerate opening a facility in Delta. Delta Fresh serves customers in the U.S and Mexico. on Twitter Share My objection is to an American based conglomerate opening a facility in Delta. Delta Fresh serves customers in the U.S and Mexico. on Linkedin Email My objection is to an American based conglomerate opening a facility in Delta. Delta Fresh serves customers in the U.S and Mexico. link

    My objection is to an American based conglomerate opening a facility in Delta. Delta Fresh serves customers in the U.S and Mexico.

    Gary McDonald asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello! Thanks again for your interest and your question.  We have been advised by the applicant that the company "Delta Fresh" in Canada has no relation to the company in the United States but is a subsidiary of the local company, "Earth King Project 64 Ltd."  If you would like more information or confirmation, my suggestion would be that you contact the applicant directly who can provide you with further details.  The contact is Wesley Wollin at Buro47 Architecture and the phone number is 604-943-1213. Hopefully he can clear up any confusion.

  • Share In your answer to karli, you state that the applicant forecasts that there would be a reduction in “carbon-emissions”. Yet your own department has not released its findings yet. How can you then advance this kind of argument with no backup evidence? This project has parking for 125+ cars. What is the high limit on the number of parking spaces -126? 250? Unless all these cars are zero emission, unlikely, the emissions in Delta are going up. Although Kittson Parkway is not a “truck” route, commercial vehicles under 10,000 GVW are still permitted and will likely increase considerably. Has this been taken into consideration? The aim of the whole of the Metro Vancouver region is to increase transit use considerably. I hear nothing on this subject. Has the developer even considered the need and desirability of public transit access? There are no bus routes that serve this area. Are the 125+ parking spaces the solution to today’s transportation challenges? on Facebook Share In your answer to karli, you state that the applicant forecasts that there would be a reduction in “carbon-emissions”. Yet your own department has not released its findings yet. How can you then advance this kind of argument with no backup evidence? This project has parking for 125+ cars. What is the high limit on the number of parking spaces -126? 250? Unless all these cars are zero emission, unlikely, the emissions in Delta are going up. Although Kittson Parkway is not a “truck” route, commercial vehicles under 10,000 GVW are still permitted and will likely increase considerably. Has this been taken into consideration? The aim of the whole of the Metro Vancouver region is to increase transit use considerably. I hear nothing on this subject. Has the developer even considered the need and desirability of public transit access? There are no bus routes that serve this area. Are the 125+ parking spaces the solution to today’s transportation challenges? on Twitter Share In your answer to karli, you state that the applicant forecasts that there would be a reduction in “carbon-emissions”. Yet your own department has not released its findings yet. How can you then advance this kind of argument with no backup evidence? This project has parking for 125+ cars. What is the high limit on the number of parking spaces -126? 250? Unless all these cars are zero emission, unlikely, the emissions in Delta are going up. Although Kittson Parkway is not a “truck” route, commercial vehicles under 10,000 GVW are still permitted and will likely increase considerably. Has this been taken into consideration? The aim of the whole of the Metro Vancouver region is to increase transit use considerably. I hear nothing on this subject. Has the developer even considered the need and desirability of public transit access? There are no bus routes that serve this area. Are the 125+ parking spaces the solution to today’s transportation challenges? on Linkedin Email In your answer to karli, you state that the applicant forecasts that there would be a reduction in “carbon-emissions”. Yet your own department has not released its findings yet. How can you then advance this kind of argument with no backup evidence? This project has parking for 125+ cars. What is the high limit on the number of parking spaces -126? 250? Unless all these cars are zero emission, unlikely, the emissions in Delta are going up. Although Kittson Parkway is not a “truck” route, commercial vehicles under 10,000 GVW are still permitted and will likely increase considerably. Has this been taken into consideration? The aim of the whole of the Metro Vancouver region is to increase transit use considerably. I hear nothing on this subject. Has the developer even considered the need and desirability of public transit access? There are no bus routes that serve this area. Are the 125+ parking spaces the solution to today’s transportation challenges? link

    In your answer to karli, you state that the applicant forecasts that there would be a reduction in “carbon-emissions”. Yet your own department has not released its findings yet. How can you then advance this kind of argument with no backup evidence? This project has parking for 125+ cars. What is the high limit on the number of parking spaces -126? 250? Unless all these cars are zero emission, unlikely, the emissions in Delta are going up. Although Kittson Parkway is not a “truck” route, commercial vehicles under 10,000 GVW are still permitted and will likely increase considerably. Has this been taken into consideration? The aim of the whole of the Metro Vancouver region is to increase transit use considerably. I hear nothing on this subject. Has the developer even considered the need and desirability of public transit access? There are no bus routes that serve this area. Are the 125+ parking spaces the solution to today’s transportation challenges?

    artm asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello and thank for participating in the virtual public engagement for the proposed Delta Fresh project.  You are correct in noting that it was the applicant who made the estimate about reduced carbon emissions.  Specific numbers were not provided so the applicant would need to provide more specific information to support this estimate.

    In response to your question about vehicles travelling to the site, the applicant has provided a traffic impact study which is currently being reviewed by staff.  The study would determine any road improvements to surrounding streets that may be necessary.  Recommendations from the study would be presented to Council when a staff report is prepared for their consideration.  

  • Share Previously in this forum, it was reported that an agrologist’s report noted that the applicant property has not been farmed in over 30 years, resulting in land degradation. The applicant has indicated that restoration would not be economically feasible; therefore, the land should be rezoned. Understanding the cause of the land degradation is important. I do not believe that Delta would want to create a system that rewards landowners for land degradation through rezoning. Agricultural land and locally sourced food are vital. How does Delta protect non -ALR agricultural land from degradation? Are owners responsible for restoration? I am also curious about the history of ownership of the land for this application. Has this property been owned by multiple owners over the last 30 years? Is the applicant the current owner of one of both of the properties and if so, how long has the applicant owned it? Why has this property not been farmed? Have there been previous agrology reports for this property? on Facebook Share Previously in this forum, it was reported that an agrologist’s report noted that the applicant property has not been farmed in over 30 years, resulting in land degradation. The applicant has indicated that restoration would not be economically feasible; therefore, the land should be rezoned. Understanding the cause of the land degradation is important. I do not believe that Delta would want to create a system that rewards landowners for land degradation through rezoning. Agricultural land and locally sourced food are vital. How does Delta protect non -ALR agricultural land from degradation? Are owners responsible for restoration? I am also curious about the history of ownership of the land for this application. Has this property been owned by multiple owners over the last 30 years? Is the applicant the current owner of one of both of the properties and if so, how long has the applicant owned it? Why has this property not been farmed? Have there been previous agrology reports for this property? on Twitter Share Previously in this forum, it was reported that an agrologist’s report noted that the applicant property has not been farmed in over 30 years, resulting in land degradation. The applicant has indicated that restoration would not be economically feasible; therefore, the land should be rezoned. Understanding the cause of the land degradation is important. I do not believe that Delta would want to create a system that rewards landowners for land degradation through rezoning. Agricultural land and locally sourced food are vital. How does Delta protect non -ALR agricultural land from degradation? Are owners responsible for restoration? I am also curious about the history of ownership of the land for this application. Has this property been owned by multiple owners over the last 30 years? Is the applicant the current owner of one of both of the properties and if so, how long has the applicant owned it? Why has this property not been farmed? Have there been previous agrology reports for this property? on Linkedin Email Previously in this forum, it was reported that an agrologist’s report noted that the applicant property has not been farmed in over 30 years, resulting in land degradation. The applicant has indicated that restoration would not be economically feasible; therefore, the land should be rezoned. Understanding the cause of the land degradation is important. I do not believe that Delta would want to create a system that rewards landowners for land degradation through rezoning. Agricultural land and locally sourced food are vital. How does Delta protect non -ALR agricultural land from degradation? Are owners responsible for restoration? I am also curious about the history of ownership of the land for this application. Has this property been owned by multiple owners over the last 30 years? Is the applicant the current owner of one of both of the properties and if so, how long has the applicant owned it? Why has this property not been farmed? Have there been previous agrology reports for this property? link

    Previously in this forum, it was reported that an agrologist’s report noted that the applicant property has not been farmed in over 30 years, resulting in land degradation. The applicant has indicated that restoration would not be economically feasible; therefore, the land should be rezoned. Understanding the cause of the land degradation is important. I do not believe that Delta would want to create a system that rewards landowners for land degradation through rezoning. Agricultural land and locally sourced food are vital. How does Delta protect non -ALR agricultural land from degradation? Are owners responsible for restoration? I am also curious about the history of ownership of the land for this application. Has this property been owned by multiple owners over the last 30 years? Is the applicant the current owner of one of both of the properties and if so, how long has the applicant owned it? Why has this property not been farmed? Have there been previous agrology reports for this property?

    PC-DCitz asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello!  Thanks for getting in touch through the virtual public engagement forum to ask about the Delta Fresh application.  Based on information provided in the agrologist's report and past decisions of the Agricultural Land Commission, the land was used as a staging area for construction of Highway 91 and the Alex Fraser Bridge.  As part of this work, portions of the land were used to dispose of waste materials that came from this construction.  Regulations both at the Agricultural Land Commission and the City of Delta have changed quite a lot over the past 40 years and this type of activity would not be allowed.  The owner at the time this was done was not the same as the current owner.   The agrologist's report and a peer review will be attached to a Council report should this application proceed.

  • Share If Delta Fresh Cold Storage were successful in its application but the proposed cold storage business failed, could this industrial land be resold and repurposed for other industry? What types of industries would or would not qualify for this unique location? on Facebook Share If Delta Fresh Cold Storage were successful in its application but the proposed cold storage business failed, could this industrial land be resold and repurposed for other industry? What types of industries would or would not qualify for this unique location? on Twitter Share If Delta Fresh Cold Storage were successful in its application but the proposed cold storage business failed, could this industrial land be resold and repurposed for other industry? What types of industries would or would not qualify for this unique location? on Linkedin Email If Delta Fresh Cold Storage were successful in its application but the proposed cold storage business failed, could this industrial land be resold and repurposed for other industry? What types of industries would or would not qualify for this unique location? link

    If Delta Fresh Cold Storage were successful in its application but the proposed cold storage business failed, could this industrial land be resold and repurposed for other industry? What types of industries would or would not qualify for this unique location?

    PC-DCitz asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello! Thank you for visiting the virtual public engagement page for the Delta Fresh proposal.  The development would only be permitted to use the land as defined in a comprehensive development (CD) zone.  Any change to the uses would require the property owner to begin another rezoning process which would entail public input and a public hearing.

  • Share What Delta bylaws would govern the hours of operation, lighting and control noise from the proposed facility? Are there different bylaws controlling light and noise in differently zoned areas? Would an industrial zone permit greater light and noise production than a residential or agricultural zone? After recent nighttime paving of the Highway 91/Kittson Interchange, it is clear to neighbours that truck/machinery noise travels across the highway and up the hill into residential areas. My concern is that this facility will generate continuous, detrimental light and noise pollution for the surrounding residents and the fauna of Burns Bog. on Facebook Share What Delta bylaws would govern the hours of operation, lighting and control noise from the proposed facility? Are there different bylaws controlling light and noise in differently zoned areas? Would an industrial zone permit greater light and noise production than a residential or agricultural zone? After recent nighttime paving of the Highway 91/Kittson Interchange, it is clear to neighbours that truck/machinery noise travels across the highway and up the hill into residential areas. My concern is that this facility will generate continuous, detrimental light and noise pollution for the surrounding residents and the fauna of Burns Bog. on Twitter Share What Delta bylaws would govern the hours of operation, lighting and control noise from the proposed facility? Are there different bylaws controlling light and noise in differently zoned areas? Would an industrial zone permit greater light and noise production than a residential or agricultural zone? After recent nighttime paving of the Highway 91/Kittson Interchange, it is clear to neighbours that truck/machinery noise travels across the highway and up the hill into residential areas. My concern is that this facility will generate continuous, detrimental light and noise pollution for the surrounding residents and the fauna of Burns Bog. on Linkedin Email What Delta bylaws would govern the hours of operation, lighting and control noise from the proposed facility? Are there different bylaws controlling light and noise in differently zoned areas? Would an industrial zone permit greater light and noise production than a residential or agricultural zone? After recent nighttime paving of the Highway 91/Kittson Interchange, it is clear to neighbours that truck/machinery noise travels across the highway and up the hill into residential areas. My concern is that this facility will generate continuous, detrimental light and noise pollution for the surrounding residents and the fauna of Burns Bog. link

    What Delta bylaws would govern the hours of operation, lighting and control noise from the proposed facility? Are there different bylaws controlling light and noise in differently zoned areas? Would an industrial zone permit greater light and noise production than a residential or agricultural zone? After recent nighttime paving of the Highway 91/Kittson Interchange, it is clear to neighbours that truck/machinery noise travels across the highway and up the hill into residential areas. My concern is that this facility will generate continuous, detrimental light and noise pollution for the surrounding residents and the fauna of Burns Bog.

    PC-DCitz asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello! Thanks for taking the time to visit the virtual public engagement page for the proposed Delta Fresh project.  Delta Zoning Bylaw (Section 6.1.5) restricts the impact from industrial uses by regulating such things as lighting, sound, vibrations, emissions and other noxious uses. Delta's Property Use & Compliance division also enforces regulations in the Noise Bylaw and Property Enhancement Bylaw.  With regard to impacts on Burns Bog, the applicant is required to provide mitigation and monitoring or light and noise to ensure it will not affect the Bog environment.  Your concerns have been recorded and will be conveyed to Council should a report on this project proceed to Council.

  • Share what is the value of agricultural land compared to industrial- is the developer to provide a community amenity contribution based upon the land lift in value? on Facebook Share what is the value of agricultural land compared to industrial- is the developer to provide a community amenity contribution based upon the land lift in value? on Twitter Share what is the value of agricultural land compared to industrial- is the developer to provide a community amenity contribution based upon the land lift in value? on Linkedin Email what is the value of agricultural land compared to industrial- is the developer to provide a community amenity contribution based upon the land lift in value? link

    what is the value of agricultural land compared to industrial- is the developer to provide a community amenity contribution based upon the land lift in value?

    LRJohn asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello!  Thank you for visiting the virtual public engagement page for the proposed Delta Fresh development.  The developer has not provided information on the value of agricultural land and industrial land but your point is understood.  Should a report on this project proceed to Council, this question will be raised for their consideration.  Delta is currently working on a community amenity contribution plan and some of the concepts in that plan may apply to this property. 

  • Share Can the development change uses permitted in industrial zoning after it is built? on Facebook Share Can the development change uses permitted in industrial zoning after it is built? on Twitter Share Can the development change uses permitted in industrial zoning after it is built? on Linkedin Email Can the development change uses permitted in industrial zoning after it is built? link

    Can the development change uses permitted in industrial zoning after it is built?

    LRJohn asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello! Thank you for visiting the virtual public engagement page for the Delta Fresh proposal.  The development would only be permitted to use the land as defined in a comprehensive development (CD) zone.  Any change to the uses would require the property owner to begin another rezoning process which would entail public input and a public hearing.

  • Share will the intersection at 64th and highway 91 be upgraded to accommodate the additional car and truck traffic? on Facebook Share will the intersection at 64th and highway 91 be upgraded to accommodate the additional car and truck traffic? on Twitter Share will the intersection at 64th and highway 91 be upgraded to accommodate the additional car and truck traffic? on Linkedin Email will the intersection at 64th and highway 91 be upgraded to accommodate the additional car and truck traffic? link

    will the intersection at 64th and highway 91 be upgraded to accommodate the additional car and truck traffic?

    LRJohn asked almost 4 years ago

    Hello and thanks for your interest in this proposed development.  The applicant has provided a traffic impact study which is currently being reviewed by staff.  The study would determine the number and type of trips generated by the development and whether any road improvements to surrounding roads are necessary.  Recommendations from the study would be presented to Council when a staff report is prepared for their consideration.