Delta Fresh Cold Storage Warehouse/Food Processing Facility

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Consultation has concluded

Location: 10555 64 Avenue and unaddressed parcel PID: 000-985-112

File Number: LU009040

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a cold storage warehouse and food processing facility with administrative offices on the two subject properties. The applicant has stated that development is intended to serve the farming communities of Delta, Richmond, Surrey and others in the Lower Mainland. The subject properties are designated and zoned for agricultural use but are not located within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The following are the key aspects of the revised* proposal:

  • The application proposes one building with a total floor area of approximately 27,267 m² (293,500 ft²). Most of the floor space would be at the ground level but some will be at a mezzanine level.
  • The portion of the site covered by the building would be approximately 45 percent of the 5.95 ha (14.7 ac) total area.
  • The building would be used for cold storage and distribution of produce and dairy products and a processing facility which would undertake sublimation of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The sublimation process involves evaporation of liquid from the products. No meat products, fats or oils would be stored or processed. The building would also contain space for administrative offices.
  • 133 parking spaces would be provided for workers and visitors to the site and are located at the front of the site.
  • Landscape and/or environmental buffers area proposed along the west, east and north property lines. Wetland restoration is also proposed along a portion of the east property line.

*The application considered by Council in May 2022 included two buildings and vehicular access at the southwest corner of the site.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning from Agriculture (A1) to a new Agriculture Product Management (A4) zone
  • Development Permit to address Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area requirements
  • Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces from 210 to 133 spaces
  • Consolidation of the two subject properties into a single parcel

Location: 10555 64 Avenue and unaddressed parcel PID: 000-985-112

File Number: LU009040

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a cold storage warehouse and food processing facility with administrative offices on the two subject properties. The applicant has stated that development is intended to serve the farming communities of Delta, Richmond, Surrey and others in the Lower Mainland. The subject properties are designated and zoned for agricultural use but are not located within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The following are the key aspects of the revised* proposal:

  • The application proposes one building with a total floor area of approximately 27,267 m² (293,500 ft²). Most of the floor space would be at the ground level but some will be at a mezzanine level.
  • The portion of the site covered by the building would be approximately 45 percent of the 5.95 ha (14.7 ac) total area.
  • The building would be used for cold storage and distribution of produce and dairy products and a processing facility which would undertake sublimation of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The sublimation process involves evaporation of liquid from the products. No meat products, fats or oils would be stored or processed. The building would also contain space for administrative offices.
  • 133 parking spaces would be provided for workers and visitors to the site and are located at the front of the site.
  • Landscape and/or environmental buffers area proposed along the west, east and north property lines. Wetland restoration is also proposed along a portion of the east property line.

*The application considered by Council in May 2022 included two buildings and vehicular access at the southwest corner of the site.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning from Agriculture (A1) to a new Agriculture Product Management (A4) zone
  • Development Permit to address Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area requirements
  • Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces from 210 to 133 spaces
  • Consolidation of the two subject properties into a single parcel

Consultation has concluded
  • Public Hearing

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    This application is scheduled for a Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 4:00 pm at Delta City Hall. A copy of the Public Hearing notice is available here.

  • Application Revision

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    The applicant has revised the proposal to reduce the number of buildings from two to one to accommodate the relocation of the vehicular access and sanitary septic field to the southeast corner of the site.

    A site plan with a summary of the changes is available here.

  • Agrologist's Study and Peer Review Available

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    Following questions received as part of the public engagement session, the agrologist's study of the subject properties' agricultural capacity as well as a peer review of that study (commissioned by the City of Delta) has been available for public reference:

  • Engagement Session Closed - September 4, 2020

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    The virtual public engagement session closed on September 4, 2020. Staff are reviewing the input received through the public engagement and working with the applicant to address comments.