How will this project benefit cyclists and pedestrians?

    • Provides a safe cycling route on River Road between Ladner Village and Marina Gardens that is separated from vehicles;
    • Enhances accessibility for both cyclists and pedestrians; and,
    • Encourages active transportation.

    How does my feedback impact the project?

    All of the feedback received will be reviewed. Based on the feedback received, the design may be changed to address community concerns.

    What impacts will there be during construction for residents that live along River Road?

    Driveway access will not be impacted during placement of the new multi-use pathway. Full road closure is not anticipated with this project. There may be temporary single lane traffic impacts required during construction. All property owners will be informed of the construction schedule well in advance to mitigate impacts.

    What are the impacts to the existing on-street parking along River Road?

    The existing on-street parking along the North side of River Road near residential properties will be maintained as much as possible. Please see the presentation drawing for more information. 

    How can I find more information for Delta's Trails & Cycling?

    Please refer to Delta's website for Trails & Cycling information. You can download the Delta Routes Map, or pick one up at any of our recreation centres or at Delta City Hall.