96 Avenue Roadway Improvements

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A design has been developed for roadway improvements along 96 Avenue between 114 Street and 120 Street. The project is part of Delta’s Neighbourhood Road Improvements Program, in collaboration with City of Surrey to address neighbourhood mobility and increase safety and accessibility for cyclist and pedestrian in the community.

The proposed improvements include:

  • Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements: New 3.0m wide asphalt multi-use pathway along both sides of the road
  • Boulevard: New grassed boulevard on the south side with street trees, separating the multi-use pathway from the roadway
  • Parking: parking pockets with 0.6m buffer separation to the multi-use pathway
  • Lighting Enhancements: New LED streetlights and pathway lighting
  • Roadway: Roadway pavement rehabilitation

For more information, please refer to the project presentation drawings.

A Public Information Meeting with City staff was held on October 30, 2024 to discuss the proposed design with the community and the online consultation closed on November 12, 2024. The construction of the project is anticipated to take place in two phases from 120 Street to 116 Street (Phase 1) in 2025, and from 116 Street to 114 Street for future capital plans.

This project is co-funded by TransLink as part of their Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Share program.

A design has been developed for roadway improvements along 96 Avenue between 114 Street and 120 Street. The project is part of Delta’s Neighbourhood Road Improvements Program, in collaboration with City of Surrey to address neighbourhood mobility and increase safety and accessibility for cyclist and pedestrian in the community.

The proposed improvements include:

  • Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements: New 3.0m wide asphalt multi-use pathway along both sides of the road
  • Boulevard: New grassed boulevard on the south side with street trees, separating the multi-use pathway from the roadway
  • Parking: parking pockets with 0.6m buffer separation to the multi-use pathway
  • Lighting Enhancements: New LED streetlights and pathway lighting
  • Roadway: Roadway pavement rehabilitation

For more information, please refer to the project presentation drawings.

A Public Information Meeting with City staff was held on October 30, 2024 to discuss the proposed design with the community and the online consultation closed on November 12, 2024. The construction of the project is anticipated to take place in two phases from 120 Street to 116 Street (Phase 1) in 2025, and from 116 Street to 114 Street for future capital plans.

This project is co-funded by TransLink as part of their Bicycle Infrastructure Capital Cost Share program.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    What are your thoughts on the proposed improvements on 96 Avenue? You may want to consider:

    • How the proposed design affects you
    • How the proposed design accommodates cyclists and pedestrians
    • Any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns
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Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025, 04:32 PM