2024 OCP Update - Housing Our Future

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Consultation has concluded.

Update: Final Adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP)

On July 8, 2024, Delta Council announced the Final Adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP). The Regional Context Statement has also been approved by Metro Vancouver, and the Agricultural Land Commission has completed its review. Staff will monitor its impact on development activity in Delta and identify enhancements for Council’s consideration.

All residents are encouraged to visit the new Housing Our Future webpage to stay informed on key milestones and Delta’s housing progress.

Update: Final Adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP)

On July 8, 2024, Delta Council announced the Final Adoption of the Official Community Plan (OCP). The Regional Context Statement has also been approved by Metro Vancouver, and the Agricultural Land Commission has completed its review. Staff will monitor its impact on development activity in Delta and identify enhancements for Council’s consideration.

All residents are encouraged to visit the new Housing Our Future webpage to stay informed on key milestones and Delta’s housing progress.

Consultation has concluded.

  • Share Could you create a before and after map that residents can explore to easily understand the changes to their neighbourhood? It's not very user friendly to have a nice, clean publication about the new plans and then link us back to the full blown OCP for the old ones! It would be a lot easier to provide meaningful feedback that way. on Facebook Share Could you create a before and after map that residents can explore to easily understand the changes to their neighbourhood? It's not very user friendly to have a nice, clean publication about the new plans and then link us back to the full blown OCP for the old ones! It would be a lot easier to provide meaningful feedback that way. on Twitter Share Could you create a before and after map that residents can explore to easily understand the changes to their neighbourhood? It's not very user friendly to have a nice, clean publication about the new plans and then link us back to the full blown OCP for the old ones! It would be a lot easier to provide meaningful feedback that way. on Linkedin Email Could you create a before and after map that residents can explore to easily understand the changes to their neighbourhood? It's not very user friendly to have a nice, clean publication about the new plans and then link us back to the full blown OCP for the old ones! It would be a lot easier to provide meaningful feedback that way. link

    Could you create a before and after map that residents can explore to easily understand the changes to their neighbourhood? It's not very user friendly to have a nice, clean publication about the new plans and then link us back to the full blown OCP for the old ones! It would be a lot easier to provide meaningful feedback that way.

    JPatt asked 10 months ago

    As a follow up to your earlier question, the City has now released an interactive map that allows you to compare the current and proposed land use for your property side by side. Follow this link and enter your address in the search bar. https://deltabc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Compare/index.html?appid=2537023871e0412581a03ad593171204

    Thank you for your question. You can view the current designations on Delta Maps. On the left you will find the Layers section. Open the Planning & Development layer and check the Land Use filter. You will now see the designations in the current future land use maps layered over the map of Delta. You can now enter your address in the Search window at the top right to see what the designation is today compared to what is proposed on the draft maps. (Please note there are currently 75 different land use designations in the existing OCP. This has been simplified to 10 in the proposed OCP.)

  • Share Are restrictions being put in place so the height of new construction does not interfere with existing views? So that the new home should not exceed the height of the original home? There are neighbourhoods in north delta where the views are being threatened by new construction, and changing the character of our neighbourhood. This should be preserved!! on Facebook Share Are restrictions being put in place so the height of new construction does not interfere with existing views? So that the new home should not exceed the height of the original home? There are neighbourhoods in north delta where the views are being threatened by new construction, and changing the character of our neighbourhood. This should be preserved!! on Twitter Share Are restrictions being put in place so the height of new construction does not interfere with existing views? So that the new home should not exceed the height of the original home? There are neighbourhoods in north delta where the views are being threatened by new construction, and changing the character of our neighbourhood. This should be preserved!! on Linkedin Email Are restrictions being put in place so the height of new construction does not interfere with existing views? So that the new home should not exceed the height of the original home? There are neighbourhoods in north delta where the views are being threatened by new construction, and changing the character of our neighbourhood. This should be preserved!! link

    Are restrictions being put in place so the height of new construction does not interfere with existing views? So that the new home should not exceed the height of the original home? There are neighbourhoods in north delta where the views are being threatened by new construction, and changing the character of our neighbourhood. This should be preserved!!

    AB asked 10 months ago

    Enabling more diverse housing types will lead to some gradual changes in Delta neighborhoods and the City will continue to work with applicants to reduce the potential impacts on adjacent properties. As much as possible, the draft maps have considered transitions between taller and shorter building forms. It is important to remember that development occurs gradually.

  • Share What is being done to address the community services in north delta? Registering kids for swimming lessons is next to impossible, waiting lists begin minutes after registration opens. Sungod is very outdated and change rooms are limited. School classrooms are bursting. If there is a push to have more families live in north delta, where will they go to school? Where will they swim/skate? Will more recreational activities and programs be offered? Will more schools be built? What about more grocery stores and restaurants? on Facebook Share What is being done to address the community services in north delta? Registering kids for swimming lessons is next to impossible, waiting lists begin minutes after registration opens. Sungod is very outdated and change rooms are limited. School classrooms are bursting. If there is a push to have more families live in north delta, where will they go to school? Where will they swim/skate? Will more recreational activities and programs be offered? Will more schools be built? What about more grocery stores and restaurants? on Twitter Share What is being done to address the community services in north delta? Registering kids for swimming lessons is next to impossible, waiting lists begin minutes after registration opens. Sungod is very outdated and change rooms are limited. School classrooms are bursting. If there is a push to have more families live in north delta, where will they go to school? Where will they swim/skate? Will more recreational activities and programs be offered? Will more schools be built? What about more grocery stores and restaurants? on Linkedin Email What is being done to address the community services in north delta? Registering kids for swimming lessons is next to impossible, waiting lists begin minutes after registration opens. Sungod is very outdated and change rooms are limited. School classrooms are bursting. If there is a push to have more families live in north delta, where will they go to school? Where will they swim/skate? Will more recreational activities and programs be offered? Will more schools be built? What about more grocery stores and restaurants? link

    What is being done to address the community services in north delta? Registering kids for swimming lessons is next to impossible, waiting lists begin minutes after registration opens. Sungod is very outdated and change rooms are limited. School classrooms are bursting. If there is a push to have more families live in north delta, where will they go to school? Where will they swim/skate? Will more recreational activities and programs be offered? Will more schools be built? What about more grocery stores and restaurants?

    AB asked 10 months ago

    The City has made investments in infrastructure and will continue to plan for future needs. The sequence for community planning begins with the OCP which identifies where the City will grow. With the direction provided in the OCP, the City can develop more detailed plans for services to support growth in those areas. Growth of infrastructure happens over time as additional servicing is required. 

    Schools are the jurisdiction of the Delta School District and the Province.

    The proposed OCP update increases the areas in which businesses could be established, but Delta does not control where a new grocery store may open up.

  • Share The responses to questions posed in the online information session regarding the changes to OCP frequently note "applicants must provide information related to the traffic and utility impacts for their proposal and are required to construct any improvements needed to support the proposed development". If this is correct, how have previous developments moved forward without the required improvements being made? Surely no one thinks the current situation regarding parking and traffic is acceptable. Secondly many of the questions posed were answered with "Staff are evaluating", when will actual answers be made available? on Facebook Share The responses to questions posed in the online information session regarding the changes to OCP frequently note "applicants must provide information related to the traffic and utility impacts for their proposal and are required to construct any improvements needed to support the proposed development". If this is correct, how have previous developments moved forward without the required improvements being made? Surely no one thinks the current situation regarding parking and traffic is acceptable. Secondly many of the questions posed were answered with "Staff are evaluating", when will actual answers be made available? on Twitter Share The responses to questions posed in the online information session regarding the changes to OCP frequently note "applicants must provide information related to the traffic and utility impacts for their proposal and are required to construct any improvements needed to support the proposed development". If this is correct, how have previous developments moved forward without the required improvements being made? Surely no one thinks the current situation regarding parking and traffic is acceptable. Secondly many of the questions posed were answered with "Staff are evaluating", when will actual answers be made available? on Linkedin Email The responses to questions posed in the online information session regarding the changes to OCP frequently note "applicants must provide information related to the traffic and utility impacts for their proposal and are required to construct any improvements needed to support the proposed development". If this is correct, how have previous developments moved forward without the required improvements being made? Surely no one thinks the current situation regarding parking and traffic is acceptable. Secondly many of the questions posed were answered with "Staff are evaluating", when will actual answers be made available? link

    The responses to questions posed in the online information session regarding the changes to OCP frequently note "applicants must provide information related to the traffic and utility impacts for their proposal and are required to construct any improvements needed to support the proposed development". If this is correct, how have previous developments moved forward without the required improvements being made? Surely no one thinks the current situation regarding parking and traffic is acceptable. Secondly many of the questions posed were answered with "Staff are evaluating", when will actual answers be made available?

    Crego asked 10 months ago

    If you have concerns about specific developments, or if you need additional information other questions you have, please reach out to development@delta.ca or 604-946-3380.

  • Share What is the plan for subsidized housing? When you say hospitals are provincial responsibility how are you ensuring the province can keep up? How are you ensuring the people of your community are being taken care of. If you’re not sure the other infrastructures are possible will you still implement the plan to build more? on Facebook Share What is the plan for subsidized housing? When you say hospitals are provincial responsibility how are you ensuring the province can keep up? How are you ensuring the people of your community are being taken care of. If you’re not sure the other infrastructures are possible will you still implement the plan to build more? on Twitter Share What is the plan for subsidized housing? When you say hospitals are provincial responsibility how are you ensuring the province can keep up? How are you ensuring the people of your community are being taken care of. If you’re not sure the other infrastructures are possible will you still implement the plan to build more? on Linkedin Email What is the plan for subsidized housing? When you say hospitals are provincial responsibility how are you ensuring the province can keep up? How are you ensuring the people of your community are being taken care of. If you’re not sure the other infrastructures are possible will you still implement the plan to build more? link

    What is the plan for subsidized housing? When you say hospitals are provincial responsibility how are you ensuring the province can keep up? How are you ensuring the people of your community are being taken care of. If you’re not sure the other infrastructures are possible will you still implement the plan to build more?

    Emma:) asked 9 months ago

    Delta is reliant on the for-profit and non-profit development community to develop new housing, some of which may be subsidized in one form or another. In some areas of the city, higher density developments will be expected to contribute to non-market housing in some way, though it will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

    Delta cannot compel the Province to provide services like health care, but the City can (and does) regularly lobby senior levels of government to provide the infrastructure and services that are needed for our residents.

  • Share Under the current land uses, businesses in commercial centres with specific designated uses & environmental restrictions (such as gas stations, auto repair shops, etc) have specific forms of commercial zoning as they are not (nor would they for long period of time & with extensive mitigation work) be appropriate for residential purposes. The proposed changes appear to reflect what would result in properties like this being designated as neighbourhood centres & corridors; which include multi-storey mixed use residential use. How will the City address the highest and best use property tax increase implications on these properties when this is already an existing, known issue here in Delta? on Facebook Share Under the current land uses, businesses in commercial centres with specific designated uses & environmental restrictions (such as gas stations, auto repair shops, etc) have specific forms of commercial zoning as they are not (nor would they for long period of time & with extensive mitigation work) be appropriate for residential purposes. The proposed changes appear to reflect what would result in properties like this being designated as neighbourhood centres & corridors; which include multi-storey mixed use residential use. How will the City address the highest and best use property tax increase implications on these properties when this is already an existing, known issue here in Delta? on Twitter Share Under the current land uses, businesses in commercial centres with specific designated uses & environmental restrictions (such as gas stations, auto repair shops, etc) have specific forms of commercial zoning as they are not (nor would they for long period of time & with extensive mitigation work) be appropriate for residential purposes. The proposed changes appear to reflect what would result in properties like this being designated as neighbourhood centres & corridors; which include multi-storey mixed use residential use. How will the City address the highest and best use property tax increase implications on these properties when this is already an existing, known issue here in Delta? on Linkedin Email Under the current land uses, businesses in commercial centres with specific designated uses & environmental restrictions (such as gas stations, auto repair shops, etc) have specific forms of commercial zoning as they are not (nor would they for long period of time & with extensive mitigation work) be appropriate for residential purposes. The proposed changes appear to reflect what would result in properties like this being designated as neighbourhood centres & corridors; which include multi-storey mixed use residential use. How will the City address the highest and best use property tax increase implications on these properties when this is already an existing, known issue here in Delta? link

    Under the current land uses, businesses in commercial centres with specific designated uses & environmental restrictions (such as gas stations, auto repair shops, etc) have specific forms of commercial zoning as they are not (nor would they for long period of time & with extensive mitigation work) be appropriate for residential purposes. The proposed changes appear to reflect what would result in properties like this being designated as neighbourhood centres & corridors; which include multi-storey mixed use residential use. How will the City address the highest and best use property tax increase implications on these properties when this is already an existing, known issue here in Delta?

    lydiaelder asked 9 months ago

    For questions about property taxes, please contact finance@delta.ca or 604-946-3230.

  • Share What spaces has the city earmarked in Ladner for the addition of new publicly accessible play parks, picnic areas and green spaces? It is important to define these spaces now and to begin creating them, instead of vague weasel words about how municipal services will be developed as the mass of residential developments begin to occur. Ladner’s play parks are embarrassingly dated and limited in comparison to other similar neighbourhoods. Ladner should be leading by example when it comes to creating outdoor activity spaces for children, in the face of the millions of tons of forthcoming concrete and timber which the city says is soon to descend on us. on Facebook Share What spaces has the city earmarked in Ladner for the addition of new publicly accessible play parks, picnic areas and green spaces? It is important to define these spaces now and to begin creating them, instead of vague weasel words about how municipal services will be developed as the mass of residential developments begin to occur. Ladner’s play parks are embarrassingly dated and limited in comparison to other similar neighbourhoods. Ladner should be leading by example when it comes to creating outdoor activity spaces for children, in the face of the millions of tons of forthcoming concrete and timber which the city says is soon to descend on us. on Twitter Share What spaces has the city earmarked in Ladner for the addition of new publicly accessible play parks, picnic areas and green spaces? It is important to define these spaces now and to begin creating them, instead of vague weasel words about how municipal services will be developed as the mass of residential developments begin to occur. Ladner’s play parks are embarrassingly dated and limited in comparison to other similar neighbourhoods. Ladner should be leading by example when it comes to creating outdoor activity spaces for children, in the face of the millions of tons of forthcoming concrete and timber which the city says is soon to descend on us. on Linkedin Email What spaces has the city earmarked in Ladner for the addition of new publicly accessible play parks, picnic areas and green spaces? It is important to define these spaces now and to begin creating them, instead of vague weasel words about how municipal services will be developed as the mass of residential developments begin to occur. Ladner’s play parks are embarrassingly dated and limited in comparison to other similar neighbourhoods. Ladner should be leading by example when it comes to creating outdoor activity spaces for children, in the face of the millions of tons of forthcoming concrete and timber which the city says is soon to descend on us. link

    What spaces has the city earmarked in Ladner for the addition of new publicly accessible play parks, picnic areas and green spaces? It is important to define these spaces now and to begin creating them, instead of vague weasel words about how municipal services will be developed as the mass of residential developments begin to occur. Ladner’s play parks are embarrassingly dated and limited in comparison to other similar neighbourhoods. Ladner should be leading by example when it comes to creating outdoor activity spaces for children, in the face of the millions of tons of forthcoming concrete and timber which the city says is soon to descend on us.

    andyjjsmith asked 9 months ago

    The OCP does not propose to redesignate any areas for additional park space in Ladner. As the demand for park space increases, Delta may look to expand park services, but this might require purchasing additional land.

  • Share Hi, I have question about new SSMUH area in the new OCP. It seems very large area for SSUMH as yellow in the map. Is that means all those area can build 4 units if the land greater than 280 squre metres? Also for six units, what kind of bus stop I need to look at? every 15mins. Will you give more detail late? The last question is can you give a briefly idea of the process of applicate for SSMUH? Thank you on Facebook Share Hi, I have question about new SSMUH area in the new OCP. It seems very large area for SSUMH as yellow in the map. Is that means all those area can build 4 units if the land greater than 280 squre metres? Also for six units, what kind of bus stop I need to look at? every 15mins. Will you give more detail late? The last question is can you give a briefly idea of the process of applicate for SSMUH? Thank you on Twitter Share Hi, I have question about new SSMUH area in the new OCP. It seems very large area for SSUMH as yellow in the map. Is that means all those area can build 4 units if the land greater than 280 squre metres? Also for six units, what kind of bus stop I need to look at? every 15mins. Will you give more detail late? The last question is can you give a briefly idea of the process of applicate for SSMUH? Thank you on Linkedin Email Hi, I have question about new SSMUH area in the new OCP. It seems very large area for SSUMH as yellow in the map. Is that means all those area can build 4 units if the land greater than 280 squre metres? Also for six units, what kind of bus stop I need to look at? every 15mins. Will you give more detail late? The last question is can you give a briefly idea of the process of applicate for SSMUH? Thank you link

    Hi, I have question about new SSMUH area in the new OCP. It seems very large area for SSUMH as yellow in the map. Is that means all those area can build 4 units if the land greater than 280 squre metres? Also for six units, what kind of bus stop I need to look at? every 15mins. Will you give more detail late? The last question is can you give a briefly idea of the process of applicate for SSMUH? Thank you

    Victor asked 9 months ago

    Once the Zoning Bylaw is updated to meet the Provincial deadline of June 30th, any property over 280 square metres currently zoned for single detached or duplex residential will be permitted to have up to 4 units. The areas permitted to have up to 6 units are within 400 metres of an R6 RapidBus stop. If you have further questions about a specific property, or what the application process will look like, please contact development@delta.ca or 604-946-3380.

  • Share why is privacy, property values and the enjoyment of neighbours’ properties not being considered in the designs of developments that are adjacent to established residences and homes? on Facebook Share why is privacy, property values and the enjoyment of neighbours’ properties not being considered in the designs of developments that are adjacent to established residences and homes? on Twitter Share why is privacy, property values and the enjoyment of neighbours’ properties not being considered in the designs of developments that are adjacent to established residences and homes? on Linkedin Email why is privacy, property values and the enjoyment of neighbours’ properties not being considered in the designs of developments that are adjacent to established residences and homes? link

    why is privacy, property values and the enjoyment of neighbours’ properties not being considered in the designs of developments that are adjacent to established residences and homes?

    Ryanlovera asked 9 months ago

    Enabling more diverse housing types will lead to some gradual changes in Delta neighborhoods and the City will continue to work with applicants to reduce the potential impacts on adjacent properties. As much as possible, the draft maps have considered transitions between taller and shorter building forms. It is important to remember that development occurs gradually.

  • Share If my property is located in the ‘small scale’ residential area and is 66’ wide will I be able to subdivide my property into 2 lots? on Facebook Share If my property is located in the ‘small scale’ residential area and is 66’ wide will I be able to subdivide my property into 2 lots? on Twitter Share If my property is located in the ‘small scale’ residential area and is 66’ wide will I be able to subdivide my property into 2 lots? on Linkedin Email If my property is located in the ‘small scale’ residential area and is 66’ wide will I be able to subdivide my property into 2 lots? link

    If my property is located in the ‘small scale’ residential area and is 66’ wide will I be able to subdivide my property into 2 lots?

    Familyguy asked 9 months ago

    Please contact development@delta.ca or 604-946-3380 for questions about a specific property.