Why not locate at South Delta Recreation Centre (SDRC)?

    In an effort to provide alternate locations to preserve the natural area, some participants suggested locating the facility at SDRC. A review of this proposal determined there is not enough land to accommodate the size of the facility and parking needed. This would require existing facilities on the site to be demolished to make room for a combined facility, potentially doubling the cost of the project from $120 to $130 million to at least $250 million. Further complicating this proposal are the costs associated with the dewatering that would be required to excavate and reinforce the pool tank below sea level.

    Why not build a 50-metre pool?

    Some participants suggested the City build a 50-metre pool to keep pace with anticipated growth and support local swim clubs and sport tourism. The City reviewed this and concluded that a 25-metre pool best meets the diverse needs of the community while also providing more lane space for competitive swimming and training purposes. Furthermore 50-metre pools would increase the project costs approximately 30%.

    Can we preserve the natural area and trees?

    As part of the engagement process, the City shared the results of an arborist report that indicated that nearly 46% of the trees in Winskill Park are in poor condition. Despite the condition of the trees, the City learned that the natural area in the park is important to participants. As a result of this feedback and further technical analysis, the City is proceeding with plans to build the facility at the North location with modifications that would allow for more of the natural area to be retained. Some trees will need to be removed and replaced in order to maintain the three ball diamonds currently available today. Council has asked staff to report back on plans to replant any trees that are removed.

    Are there plans for a fourth ball diamond?

    With the current plan, field users will continue to enjoy the same amenities they have today including three ball diamonds. Council further directed staff to meet with Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball Association and other Winskill field user groups to discuss the park layout and possibility of a fourth ball diamond.