Social Action Plan for Delta – Phase 2 Update

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Public engagement process - Phase 2 for this project has concluded. A final draft Delta Social Action Plan will be presented to Council in the fall of 2022.

Why update Delta’s Social Action Plan

On December 6, 2021, an updated draft 2022-2027 Social Action Plan for Delta was presented to Council and staff was directed to launch Phase 2 of public engagement with the goal of engaging Delta residents and community partners and encouraging them to submit their feedback regarding the City’s proposed Social Action Plan strategies and goals. Read Backgrounder.

Participate Now! We need your input

We are updating a Social Action Plan for Delta (SAP) and would like to hear from you. There are various ways you can participate and provide input, including:

  1. Take Delta’s survey. Featuring five key questions (less than 15 minutes to complete):
  2. Propose an idea or action in the Ideas section that can address a particular community challenge or gap. There is also an opportunity to vote for ideas posted by other residents.
  3. Ask a question.
  4. Watch a short video we created to learn about Delta’s roles in social planning as a local government.
  5. Educators working with Delta School students? Download our guide with suggested in-class activities for students.
  6. Engage with us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Key facts about Delta's Social Action Plan

  • The Social Action Plan for Delta is community-driven plan and its implementation will require a robust collaboration between various levels of government, community organizations and residents.
  • The pandemic continues to highlight significant inequities that have existed in our society for many decades and Delta’s Social Action Plan aims to address these inequalities; hence the working title of the Social Action Plan - through the establishment of Mobilizing and Driving Equity in Delta (MADE in Delta).
  • Delta’s draft 2022-2027 Social Action Plan identifies seven strategic priorities. Each section of the Social Action Plan provides details about why this theme is important for Delta, what community assets/challenges exist, and what the City has learnt from initial consultations on each priority:
Public engagement process - Phase 2 for this project has concluded. A final draft Delta Social Action Plan will be presented to Council in the fall of 2022.

Why update Delta’s Social Action Plan

On December 6, 2021, an updated draft 2022-2027 Social Action Plan for Delta was presented to Council and staff was directed to launch Phase 2 of public engagement with the goal of engaging Delta residents and community partners and encouraging them to submit their feedback regarding the City’s proposed Social Action Plan strategies and goals. Read Backgrounder.

Participate Now! We need your input

We are updating a Social Action Plan for Delta (SAP) and would like to hear from you. There are various ways you can participate and provide input, including:

  1. Take Delta’s survey. Featuring five key questions (less than 15 minutes to complete):
  2. Propose an idea or action in the Ideas section that can address a particular community challenge or gap. There is also an opportunity to vote for ideas posted by other residents.
  3. Ask a question.
  4. Watch a short video we created to learn about Delta’s roles in social planning as a local government.
  5. Educators working with Delta School students? Download our guide with suggested in-class activities for students.
  6. Engage with us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Key facts about Delta's Social Action Plan

  • The Social Action Plan for Delta is community-driven plan and its implementation will require a robust collaboration between various levels of government, community organizations and residents.
  • The pandemic continues to highlight significant inequities that have existed in our society for many decades and Delta’s Social Action Plan aims to address these inequalities; hence the working title of the Social Action Plan - through the establishment of Mobilizing and Driving Equity in Delta (MADE in Delta).
  • Delta’s draft 2022-2027 Social Action Plan identifies seven strategic priorities. Each section of the Social Action Plan provides details about why this theme is important for Delta, what community assets/challenges exist, and what the City has learnt from initial consultations on each priority:
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Help us update the Social Action Plan for Delta by sharing your dreams for Delta and your community knowledge. Here are five key facts you need to know about this survey:

    1. The survey will help us better understand your vision for the City and identify key social development priorities for the next five years. 
    2. The survey has only four main questions and it will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 
    3. All responses are voluntary and confidential (no individual results will be posted). 
    4. The survey results will be published in an aggregated format during the reporting part of this phase for Delta's Social Action Plan.
    5. By completing this survey, respondents will be entered into a draw to win one of five $50 gift cards to local businesses.

    If you have any other questions about the survey or Delta's draft Social Action Plan, please contact Corporate Social Planner, Olga Shcherbyna at

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