Phase 2 - Non-Market Rental Apartment Building at 4625 Evergreen Lane

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Location: 4625 Evergreen Lane
File Number: LU009679
Applicant: DYS Architecture Ltd.

A previous application for a 68-unit apartment and townhouse non-market housing development was approved for Phase 2 on this site by Delta City Council on July 25, 2022. The owner recently submitted a new application due to changing economic and housing need conditions, as well as availability of additional BC Housing funding. This application is for a 6 storey, non-market housing development with 138 residential apartment units.

The following are key aspects of the current proposal:

  • Non-market rental apartment building with total residential floor area of 11,279 m2
  • 138 apartment units with a mix of 1–, 2–, and 3–bedroom units
  • Maximum 6 storeys, including first and second storey parking and 21.3 m main roof building height
  • Principal building setbacks:
    • Front (Evergreen Lane): 7 m
    • Rear (West): 6.9 m
    • Interior Side (North): 8.6 m
    • Interior Side (South): 10.7 m
  • 129 vehicle parking spaces, including 116 resident spaces (0.84 spaces per unit); and 13 visitor spaces (0.09 spaces per unit)
  • 143 bicycle parking spaces, including 138 residential and 5 visitor spaces
  • Vehicular access and pedestrian access are proposed from Evergreen Lane
  • 1,624 m2 (or 11.8 m2 per unit) of private common outdoor amenity area
  • 153 m2 (or 1.1 m2 per unit) of private common outdoor amenity area

The proposal is consistent with the Neighbourhood Centres & Corridors (NC) land use designation in "Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8400, 2024".

This development proposal includes applications for:

  • Rezoning from Apartment and Townhouse Residential 180(R) to Comprehensive Development Zone No.50 to.accommodate the requested subdivision of the subject property into two parcels and establish zoning requirements for the existing development for Phase 1 and proposed development for Phase 2.
  • Ladner Village (LV1) Development Permit Amendment for Phase 1 and new LV1 Development Permit for Phase 2 – both form and character.
  • Subdivision into 2 parcels accommodating previously approved Phase 1 development and proposed Phase 2 development.

Please note that this application has not gone to Council for consideration; therefore, aspects of the proposal may change as the application proceeds through the review process. Images are depicted as renderings.

How Can You Provide Your Input

Provide your feedback or ask questions directly by contacting the City Contact, Alex Cauduro, Senior Planner or Kateryna Morenets, Planner at the City of Delta by telephone or email with the contact information provided on this webpage.

Feedback submitted will not be posted publicly.

Location: 4625 Evergreen Lane
File Number: LU009679
Applicant: DYS Architecture Ltd.

A previous application for a 68-unit apartment and townhouse non-market housing development was approved for Phase 2 on this site by Delta City Council on July 25, 2022. The owner recently submitted a new application due to changing economic and housing need conditions, as well as availability of additional BC Housing funding. This application is for a 6 storey, non-market housing development with 138 residential apartment units.

The following are key aspects of the current proposal:

  • Non-market rental apartment building with total residential floor area of 11,279 m2
  • 138 apartment units with a mix of 1–, 2–, and 3–bedroom units
  • Maximum 6 storeys, including first and second storey parking and 21.3 m main roof building height
  • Principal building setbacks:
    • Front (Evergreen Lane): 7 m
    • Rear (West): 6.9 m
    • Interior Side (North): 8.6 m
    • Interior Side (South): 10.7 m
  • 129 vehicle parking spaces, including 116 resident spaces (0.84 spaces per unit); and 13 visitor spaces (0.09 spaces per unit)
  • 143 bicycle parking spaces, including 138 residential and 5 visitor spaces
  • Vehicular access and pedestrian access are proposed from Evergreen Lane
  • 1,624 m2 (or 11.8 m2 per unit) of private common outdoor amenity area
  • 153 m2 (or 1.1 m2 per unit) of private common outdoor amenity area

The proposal is consistent with the Neighbourhood Centres & Corridors (NC) land use designation in "Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 8400, 2024".

This development proposal includes applications for:

  • Rezoning from Apartment and Townhouse Residential 180(R) to Comprehensive Development Zone No.50 to.accommodate the requested subdivision of the subject property into two parcels and establish zoning requirements for the existing development for Phase 1 and proposed development for Phase 2.
  • Ladner Village (LV1) Development Permit Amendment for Phase 1 and new LV1 Development Permit for Phase 2 – both form and character.
  • Subdivision into 2 parcels accommodating previously approved Phase 1 development and proposed Phase 2 development.

Please note that this application has not gone to Council for consideration; therefore, aspects of the proposal may change as the application proceeds through the review process. Images are depicted as renderings.

How Can You Provide Your Input

Provide your feedback or ask questions directly by contacting the City Contact, Alex Cauduro, Senior Planner or Kateryna Morenets, Planner at the City of Delta by telephone or email with the contact information provided on this webpage.

Feedback submitted will not be posted publicly.

Page last updated: 20 Jul 2024, 01:49 PM