12 Unit Residential Development on 3rd Ave

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Location: 6525 3 Avenue
File No. LU009674
Applicant: Sarah Gallop, Sarah Gallop Design Inc.

Application Overview

We welcome your feedback on a proposed Official Community Plan Amendment application for 12 residential units on 3rd Avenue in Tsawwassen.

The application is to permit the construction of 12 residential units at 6525 3rd Avenue. The proposal includes:

  • 2 three-storey townhouse buildings on the west side of the site, each with four units
  • 2 two-storey detached garage buildings on the east side of the site, each with two apartment units above the garages
  • 12 enclosed parking spaces and 4 surface parking spaces
  • Vehicular access and pedestrian access is proposed from 3rd Avenue

This development proposal includes an application for an Official Community Plan amendment to change the land use designation for the subject site from Small-Scale Residential (SSR) to Mixed Residential (MR). The Official Community Plan received final adoption on July 8th, 2024. Under the previous Official Community Plan an amendment would have still been required to change the land use designation for the subject site from One and Two Unit Residential (R) to Multi-Unit Residential (MR) and from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR).

The applicant has only applied for an OCP amendment at this time, with a rezoning application and further approvals to be obtained should the OCP amendment be approved.

Please note that this application has not gone to Council for consideration; therefore, aspects of the proposal may change as the application proceeds through the review process.

How You Can Provide Your Input

The online feedback period is now closed. Thank you for your feedback!

You can still ask questions directly by contacting the City Planner by telephone or email with the contact information provided on this webpage.

Location: 6525 3 Avenue
File No. LU009674
Applicant: Sarah Gallop, Sarah Gallop Design Inc.

Application Overview

We welcome your feedback on a proposed Official Community Plan Amendment application for 12 residential units on 3rd Avenue in Tsawwassen.

The application is to permit the construction of 12 residential units at 6525 3rd Avenue. The proposal includes:

  • 2 three-storey townhouse buildings on the west side of the site, each with four units
  • 2 two-storey detached garage buildings on the east side of the site, each with two apartment units above the garages
  • 12 enclosed parking spaces and 4 surface parking spaces
  • Vehicular access and pedestrian access is proposed from 3rd Avenue

This development proposal includes an application for an Official Community Plan amendment to change the land use designation for the subject site from Small-Scale Residential (SSR) to Mixed Residential (MR). The Official Community Plan received final adoption on July 8th, 2024. Under the previous Official Community Plan an amendment would have still been required to change the land use designation for the subject site from One and Two Unit Residential (R) to Multi-Unit Residential (MR) and from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR).

The applicant has only applied for an OCP amendment at this time, with a rezoning application and further approvals to be obtained should the OCP amendment be approved.

Please note that this application has not gone to Council for consideration; therefore, aspects of the proposal may change as the application proceeds through the review process.

How You Can Provide Your Input

The online feedback period is now closed. Thank you for your feedback!

You can still ask questions directly by contacting the City Planner by telephone or email with the contact information provided on this webpage.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Now that you've reviewed the application, it's time to submit your comments.  What are your thoughts on the proposal?  You may want to consider:

    • How the proposal affects immediate surroundings
    • The proposal’s fit with the City’s goals and priorities
    • Any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns

    Please note that any correspondence submitted to the City of Delta with respect to the application will become public information under the Freedom of Information Act, so we would ask you to provide your name, address.

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Page last updated: 11 Jul 2024, 11:24 AM