Ladner Village

Imagine what you can do in Ladner Village
The City of Delta is moving forward on plans to revitalize Ladner Village based on the findings of the 2021 Ladner Village Renewal Advisory Committee. Open the Imagine What You Can Do Here Map to see the seven projects that have been identified for advancement over the next few years. The City is currently engaging with the community about the projects, providing residents with an opportunity to learn more and share their feedback as the City prepares to move them forward.
This summer, we engaged the community on seven major revitalization projects planned for Ladner Village, with the Chisholm Street Wharf Update receiving positive response from residents. Based on what we heard, residents expressed their support for this initiative, highlighting the community's commitment to the project. To continue this momentum, we initiated a new round of public engagement to bring forward the concept plan to residents to hear what they have to say.
Over 75 residents attended our pop-up event to learn and discuss the concepts proposed for the Chisholm Street wharf. The results of the engagement will be available for review for Council and residents to review at a future date.
A possible tourist accommodation is one of the first revitalization projects to advance. This exciting project is intended to inject vibrancy into the village and support local businesses. This summer, the City invited residents to provide their ideas for a tourist accommodation in Ladner Village. The feedback gathered was used to set the criteria in the Expression of Interest. The results of the engagement and the EOI was reviewed with Council at their meeting on Sept. 23 and are available in the "Getaway Here" section of the site.
Ideas for Ladner Village
The city is preparing to advance several projects to advance plans to revitalize Ladner Village. Do you have any other suggestions? Click on the circle with the plus sign to the left and drag it to the location of your idea and mark it on the map!