KinVillage Phase 1 Project

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Location: 1050 54A Street

File Number: LU009056

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a new six-storey (four-storeys for a portion of the building) purpose-built seniors' affordable rental apartment building. The proposed 152-unit development is being funded and financed through BC Housing's Community Housing Fund. Through the Community Housing Fund, a capital grant and on-going subsidies will allow for a mix of 20% subsidized, 50% rent geared to income, and 30% moderate income housing units, all while ensuring that existing residents do not face displacement or increased monthly rent payments. The new building would be constructed in place of the existing surface parking lot on the northern and western portions of the site, with the existing building being retained until residents have moved to the new building.

The following are the key aspects of the proposal:

  • First phase of a multi-phase development at the KinVillage site, with 152 units of affordable seniors' rental.
  • Indoor and outdoor common amenity space plus space for a day program for older adults.
  • 76 residential parking spaces and 19 visitor parking spaces would be provided.
  • A net increase of 50 trees on the site (10 removed, 60 planted).
  • Proposed development is being funded and financed through BC Housing's Community Housing Fund.
  • A mix of 20% deep subsidy, 50% rent geared to income, and 30% moderate income housing units.
  • Ensures all existing residents do not face displacement or increased monthly rent payments.

An Official Community Plan amendment was approved by Council in 2019 in order to allow the long-term redevelopment of the KinVillage complex to accommodate additional seniors’ housing units, care beds and associated uses. The proposed development is consistent with the Official Community Plan. You can find details on the OCP amendment here.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning of the subject property from Comprehensive Development Zone No. 289 (CD289) to a new Comprehensive Development Zone that allows for a residential density of approximately 140 uph (57 upa), a floor space ratio of 1.0 and a height of 21 m (69 ft).
  • A development variance permit to reduce the number of required resident parking spaces from 198 to 76, the number of required accessible parking spaces from 15 to 6, the number of visitor parking spaces from 30 to 22, and the number of resident bicycle parking spaces from 152 to 30.
  • A development variance permit to reduce the required common indoor amenity space from 152 m2 (1,636 ft2) to 131 m2 (1,410 ft2).
  • A development permit for the form and character of residential development in the Tsawwassen Town Centre (SD1-A) development permit area.

Location: 1050 54A Street

File Number: LU009056

The purpose of this application is to permit the construction of a new six-storey (four-storeys for a portion of the building) purpose-built seniors' affordable rental apartment building. The proposed 152-unit development is being funded and financed through BC Housing's Community Housing Fund. Through the Community Housing Fund, a capital grant and on-going subsidies will allow for a mix of 20% subsidized, 50% rent geared to income, and 30% moderate income housing units, all while ensuring that existing residents do not face displacement or increased monthly rent payments. The new building would be constructed in place of the existing surface parking lot on the northern and western portions of the site, with the existing building being retained until residents have moved to the new building.

The following are the key aspects of the proposal:

  • First phase of a multi-phase development at the KinVillage site, with 152 units of affordable seniors' rental.
  • Indoor and outdoor common amenity space plus space for a day program for older adults.
  • 76 residential parking spaces and 19 visitor parking spaces would be provided.
  • A net increase of 50 trees on the site (10 removed, 60 planted).
  • Proposed development is being funded and financed through BC Housing's Community Housing Fund.
  • A mix of 20% deep subsidy, 50% rent geared to income, and 30% moderate income housing units.
  • Ensures all existing residents do not face displacement or increased monthly rent payments.

An Official Community Plan amendment was approved by Council in 2019 in order to allow the long-term redevelopment of the KinVillage complex to accommodate additional seniors’ housing units, care beds and associated uses. The proposed development is consistent with the Official Community Plan. You can find details on the OCP amendment here.

In order to facilitate the proposed development, the following are required:

  • Rezoning of the subject property from Comprehensive Development Zone No. 289 (CD289) to a new Comprehensive Development Zone that allows for a residential density of approximately 140 uph (57 upa), a floor space ratio of 1.0 and a height of 21 m (69 ft).
  • A development variance permit to reduce the number of required resident parking spaces from 198 to 76, the number of required accessible parking spaces from 15 to 6, the number of visitor parking spaces from 30 to 22, and the number of resident bicycle parking spaces from 152 to 30.
  • A development variance permit to reduce the required common indoor amenity space from 152 m2 (1,636 ft2) to 131 m2 (1,410 ft2).
  • A development permit for the form and character of residential development in the Tsawwassen Town Centre (SD1-A) development permit area.
  • 4th Reading

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    On December 12, 2022, Council gave 4th and final reading to the rezoning for the KinVillage project. You can find a copy of the Council report here. The applicant is now working on their building permit application in advance of the start of construction.

  • Public Hearing and 3rd Reading

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    Following the Public Hearing on September 9th, Council gave the project 3rd reading. The applicant will now work with staff to fulfill the rezoning conditions in advance of 4th reading.

  • 1st and 2nd Readings

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    Council granted the KinVillage Phase 1 project 1st and 2nd readings on July 26, 2021. Public hearing for this project is schedule for September 9, 2021. A copy of the public hearing notice can be found here.