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How do I sign up?

  • Sign up to the site by clicking on the 'Register' button
  • Choose a username and a password
  • Provide your email address and postal code
  • You will receive an email to confirm your email address
  • Return to the main page and click the 'Sign In' button

Note: your comments will appear under your username.

How do I provide input?

Your input can be submitted using the online options that are relevant to each of the projects that are currently open for consultation.

Note: in order to provide input you need to be signed in.

Why is the City of Delta using an online public engagement platform?

Public engagement usually involves attending an open house, public meeting, or providing a letter to Council. Using an online public engagement platform is an effort made by the City of Delta to reach more residents and to give residents an opportunity to provide input on projects and to bring ideas forward.

  • It is a great way to keep up-to-date and provide input.
  • View comments and input that other residents are providing and respond with your own views.
  • An opportunity to participate without having to attend a public engagement session.

Why do I need to sign up for this site to provide input?

We ask you to sign up for the online platform because:

  • It helps to minimize the chance of the consultation being manipulated by someone who leaves many comments in support of a position.
  • It allows us to update residents if there are changes about the consultation or the project.

What happens to my input?

All input and ideas are compiled and sent to the relevant project manager to inform the recommendation and/or decision making.

Input provided online is used in collaboration with other in-person consultation activities like open houses, public meetings, pop-up events, workshops, and other similar activities.

Note: All comments you make through Let's Talk Delta become public records.

Is my privacy protected?

Your privacy is protected and the City will only use your email address to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purpose.

For more information, see our Privacy Policy(External link)

Who can I contact about Let's Talk Delta?

Let's Talk Delta is coordinated by the City of Delta's communications department.

If you have any questions please contact talk@delta.ca.

If you have any project-specific questions, please contact the project manager. Look for contact details under ‘Who’s listening’ on the project page.

How is the site moderated?

All discussion forums, guest books, and questions and answers are moderated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for inappropriate language, comments that disrespect other participants, and for comments that are off-topic. Moderators will guide off-topic discussions back on track.

All moderation is carried out by Bang the Table for the City of Delta. Moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off-topic, offensive, or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately and the person who posted the comment is advised by email. Please refer to the moderation and etiquette guidelines.

How do I sign up?

  • Sign up to the site by clicking on the 'Register' button
  • Choose a username and a password
  • Provide your email address and postal code
  • You will receive an email to confirm your email address
  • Return to the main page and click the 'Sign In' button

Note: your comments will appear under your username.

How do I provide input?

Your input can be submitted using the online options that are relevant to each of the projects that are currently open for consultation.

Note: in order to provide input you need to be signed in.

Why is the City of Delta using an online public engagement platform?

Public engagement usually involves attending an open house, public meeting, or providing a letter to Council. Using an online public engagement platform is an effort made by the City of Delta to reach more residents and to give residents an opportunity to provide input on projects and to bring ideas forward.

  • It is a great way to keep up-to-date and provide input.
  • View comments and input that other residents are providing and respond with your own views.
  • An opportunity to participate without having to attend a public engagement session.

Why do I need to sign up for this site to provide input?

We ask you to sign up for the online platform because:

  • It helps to minimize the chance of the consultation being manipulated by someone who leaves many comments in support of a position.
  • It allows us to update residents if there are changes about the consultation or the project.

What happens to my input?

All input and ideas are compiled and sent to the relevant project manager to inform the recommendation and/or decision making.

Input provided online is used in collaboration with other in-person consultation activities like open houses, public meetings, pop-up events, workshops, and other similar activities.

Note: All comments you make through Let's Talk Delta become public records.

Is my privacy protected?

Your privacy is protected and the City will only use your email address to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purpose.

For more information, see our Privacy Policy(External link)

Who can I contact about Let's Talk Delta?

Let's Talk Delta is coordinated by the City of Delta's communications department.

If you have any questions please contact talk@delta.ca.

If you have any project-specific questions, please contact the project manager. Look for contact details under ‘Who’s listening’ on the project page.

How is the site moderated?

All discussion forums, guest books, and questions and answers are moderated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for inappropriate language, comments that disrespect other participants, and for comments that are off-topic. Moderators will guide off-topic discussions back on track.

All moderation is carried out by Bang the Table for the City of Delta. Moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off-topic, offensive, or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately and the person who posted the comment is advised by email. Please refer to the moderation and etiquette guidelines.

Page last updated: 09 Aug 2022, 03:05 PM